Results from Wynnum-Manly Eisteddfod 2017:
U6 Jazz - 3rd U6 Novelty - 2nd
U10 Jazz - 2nd (In a section of 23!) U10 Lyrical - Highly Commended
U12 Jazz - Very Highly Commended U12 Contemporary - Very Highly Commended U12 Hip Hop - 1st U12 Acrobatics - 3rd U12 Musical Theatre 'Naughty - 2nd U12 Musical Theatre 'When You're An Adams' - 1st
U15 Jazz - Highly Commended U15 Contemporary 'White Witch' - Very Highly Commended U15 Contemporary 'Requiem' - Very Highly Commended
Open Acrobatics - 2nd Open Hip Hop - 1st
All routines received a place at this eisteddfod.
A massive CONGRATULATIONS to all of our students! Your hard work, determination, & great attitude is an inspiration to all & we are very proud of you.
Thank-you to our amazing teachers, staff, & parents. We could not have done it without your support.
A special thank-you to Mamma T & Miss Kat. Without you we would not have had the amazing costumes we did!